Your answer to digital, modern and efficient training. Immerse yourself in a world where learning is not only informative, but also immersive and exciting.
Deep immersion in the learning environment makes for a more intense and effective learning experience.
Compatible with VR headsets*, smartphones, tablets, and desktop PCs. Your employees can learn from anywhere.
Whether you are a small team or a large company, the XR Trainer grows with you.
Redesigning learning through fun and emotion. Using immersive technologies, we effectively teach the soft skills for the modern workplace.
Reduce travel, lodging, and physical classroom needs.
No fixed training times. Your employees can learn when it suits them best.
Emotional activation through immersive learning ensures that what is learned remains in the memory for a longer period of time.
increased effectivenessin students trained using VR technology than in passive learners *
Save time and money – compared to classic seminars and workshops
Sustainable learning requires emotional activation. When learning is fun and arouses emotions, what is learned is anchored in the longer term.
Our scenarios were developed by experts in dramaturgy and storytelling.
Realistic representations of emotions, facial expressions and gestures enable a deeper understanding of non-verbal signals.
Our training methods are based on the latest findings from learning research.
Our servers in Germany guarantee the highest security standards and DSGVO-compliant data processing.
We set the global standard in Soft Skills Training and are committed to continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with the XR Trainer.
straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG, together with Bertrand AG and META, won the eLearning AWARD 2024 in the "Intercultural Competence Development" category.
straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG has won the eLearning AWARD 2021 in the category "Virtual Reality" together with Allianz Versicherungs-AG.
Discover our VR Speech Trainer - winner of the Bavarian Digital Award 2022. The scientifically based trainer for free speech.
Interactive 3D virtual learning and training world.
Do you have any further questions or would you like advice?How can you use the XR Trainer?
In a close partnership with Meta, the leading manufacturer of VR headsets and a driving force in VR development, we are exploring the immense potential of immersive technologies for lifelong learning. We combine cutting-edge technology with scientific expertise for the future of education.
You would like to learn more about us and our team?To our Homepage
lat. for immerse, sink, deepen. In “Extended Reality”, complete immersion in an artificial, computer-generated 360° world.
(ger. Virtuelle Realität) The fading out of the real environment, the interaction with digital worlds. Special VR goggles let users fully immerse themselves in an artificial, computer-generated 360° world (immersion); they can move around in it and interact with it. See also Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Extended Reality.
An index of technical terms with precise definitions used to help readers understand specific terms.
An often risky idea of the future role of the company (a long-term “picture of the future”) designed for the distant future.
The fundamental reason for being beyond the pure pursuit of profit: what we stand for, why we exist (A kind of “business mission”).
The virtual representation of a human being. A graphic or animation that programs or websites use as a substitute for real people that can be interacted with or controlled by the user.
The Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage (BSFZ) awards its seal exclusively to companies that are eligible to claim funding through the research allowance. The BSFZ seal certifies the R&D activities of companies that have received at least one positive decision from the Research Grant Certification Office (BSFZ).
At straightlabs, we believe that learning should be fun. That’s why our international team of developers and scientists creates captivating learning and training worlds. Supported by state-of-the-art technologies and the latest scientific findings, we are committed to helping people learn more effectively and efficiently.
© 2023 | straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG
Wir freuen uns, eine wegweisende Partnerschaft mit Meta, einem der weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich der immersiven Technologien, bekannt zu geben. Diese Zusammenarbeit unterstreicht unser gemeinsames Engagement für die Erforschung und Entwicklung der nächsten Generation von Bildungstechnologien, die das Potenzial haben, die Art und Weise, wie wir lernen, zu revolutionieren.
Warum ist diese Partnerschaft so besonders?
Das Team von XR Trainer, angetrieben von der technologischen und wissenschaftlichen Expertise von Straightlabs, hat sich immer für Spitzenforschung und Innovation im Bereich der Extended Reality (XR) eingesetzt. In Partnerschaft mit Meta treiben wir jetzt eines der ersten deutschen Forschungsprojekte voran, um das volle Potenzial des Metaversums für Bildung und Lernen zu erkunden.
Wissenschaft trifft auf Technologie
Durch die Verbindung von Metas technologischer Stärke mit dem tiefgreifenden Forschungswissen von Straightlabs schaffen wir Synergien, die bahnbrechende Fortschritte in der immersiven Bildung ermöglichen. Universitäten und Think Tanks aus ganz Europa sind Teil dieses ehrgeizigen Projekts.
Das XR Trainer-Programm: Die Zukunft des Lernens
Der XR Trainer ist das direkte Ergebnis unserer Partnerschaft mit Meta. Es ist mehr als nur ein Produkt; es ist ein Versprechen für eine bessere Bildung. Frühe wissenschaftliche Studien haben bereits gezeigt, dass XR-Technologien das Lernen in vielerlei Hinsicht verbessern können. Mit dem XR Trainer möchten wir diese Vorteile für jeden zugänglich machen.
Wir stehen an der Schwelle zu einer neuen Ära des Lernens. Die Partnerschaft zwischen XR Trainer und Meta ist ein Zeugnis unserer Entschlossenheit, die besten immersiven Bildungslösungen für die kommenden Generationen zu schaffen. Vertrauen Sie auf die wissenschaftliche und technologische Expertise von Straightlabs und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Zukunft der Bildung gestalten.